Saturday, October 22, 2022

Autumn Monarch Butterfly

It was a surprise to see a monarch butterfly in the garden today, October 22nd!  

A large female was nectaring on a small blossom of a butterfly bush about 4:20 p.m.  The temperature was 72 degrees, sunny with a light breeze, unusual for upstate New York this time of the year.  We call it Indian Summer, a short warm spell after cold Fall weather.  The weather will be back to normal in a week.

This is the time of year that monarchs head to Mexico, so she'd better get going!

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Fig Crop


Three years ago I purchased a Brown Turkey variety fig tree through the mail.  This year I got a nice main crop of figs, the largest weighing in at 92 grams!

Small main crop figs

Three year old fig tree planted in half barrel

This is when I first bought it 3 years ago.

I have a recipe for a Fig and Honey Galette, a French pastry with honey-sweetened mascarpone cheese as a creamy base for the fresh figs.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

July Vegetable Beds

Even though our summer, so far, has been dry and not too warm, the raised beds are doing well.

We have garlic, lettuce and onions in bed #1,

beets and bell peppers in #2,

zucchini and yellow pole beans in #3, and

Tomatoes and one potato plant in #4.

The zucchinis are the best crop, with yellow beans just beginning to mature.  The lettuce is going to seed at this point.

Our rabbit friends have enjoyed the beet greens.

Onions are beginning to form bulbs.

We're having a problem with Japanese beetles on the yellow beans.

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

First Day of Summer

Today's the first day of summer.  The new raised beds are working well for me.  Weeding and cultivating are easy chores now.

The 3-year old Brown Turkey fig tree has survived its winter stay in our attached garage and has one pear-sized fig that should ripen in a couple weeks.  The tree produces two crops, with the second ripening in about September. As soon as the weather improved with no frost expected (around May 15th), we transplanted it into a large half barrel and moved it from the garage to a sunny spot in the vegetable garden.  We're hoping to get more than one fig for our second crop! 😂

Brown Turkey Fig

Brown Turkey Fig next to Rhubarb

Herbs are conveniently located on the porch near the kitchen door.  This  year I've planted parsley, rosemary, basil, oregano, thyme.  A few milkweed seedlings have emerged from the seeds released from the pods of the plant that was growing in the herb garden last year!  Maybe the monarchs will find the seedlings and lay some eggs.


The grapevines are gradually finding their way to the arbor.

Concord Grapes



Wednesday, May 11, 2022

First Oriole of the Year

 We spotted our first oriole of the year on Mother's Day, May 8th.  It was a few days later than usual.  The feeder contained syrup, grape jelly and oranges.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Spring's Here!

Daffodils -- a sure sign of Spring in the garden!  Hyacinths are beginning to sprout, too!

Monday, January 10, 2022



I purchased a few bulbs from an online gardening site to grow indoors.

These beautiful amaryllis began flowering the week before Christmas.  The red with white throats are named "Barbados" and the white flowers with red edging are named "Picasso."

The largest Barbados measured 8" across!

I'm going to attempt to follow the instructions for re-blooming next year.