Tuesday, June 21, 2022

First Day of Summer

Today's the first day of summer.  The new raised beds are working well for me.  Weeding and cultivating are easy chores now.

The 3-year old Brown Turkey fig tree has survived its winter stay in our attached garage and has one pear-sized fig that should ripen in a couple weeks.  The tree produces two crops, with the second ripening in about September. As soon as the weather improved with no frost expected (around May 15th), we transplanted it into a large half barrel and moved it from the garage to a sunny spot in the vegetable garden.  We're hoping to get more than one fig for our second crop! 😂

Brown Turkey Fig

Brown Turkey Fig next to Rhubarb

Herbs are conveniently located on the porch near the kitchen door.  This  year I've planted parsley, rosemary, basil, oregano, thyme.  A few milkweed seedlings have emerged from the seeds released from the pods of the plant that was growing in the herb garden last year!  Maybe the monarchs will find the seedlings and lay some eggs.


The grapevines are gradually finding their way to the arbor.

Concord Grapes