Sunday, February 12, 2017

It's Maple Syrup Time (Part II)

After six days of tree tapping, we accumulated 7-1/2 gallons of sap from our four taps. The sap was stored in the refrigerator in empty, cleaned gallon milk jugs.

After sterlizing the glass syrup bottles and caps with boiling water and placing a filter in a quart measuring container, I was ready to go.

Sterlized bottles and caps; container with filter

We have an apartment sized gas stove in our garage that we use to boil the sap and have estimated the cost at about 25 cents of gas per hour of boiling. Not bad!

Sap boiling on the stove

After boiling the sap to syrup stage, it's filtered to remove impurities, called niter.  After filtering, the syrup is clear.

Sediment after filtering

Today the 7-1/2 gallons of sap took 7 hours to boil down to syrup stage.  We ended up with 3-1/2 cups of maple syrup. Pancakes tomorrow! 

Finished Maple Syrup

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