Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Monarch Waystation Update

Our weather has been cooperating this Spring, so I've removed the cover over the VegTrug that has tropical milkweed growing at the back, zinnias in the center and strawberries at the front and sides. From now on, nighttime temperatures won't be going below 50 degrees.  It's been a great Spring and the earliest I've ever planted!

The front area of the Monarch Waystation on both sides of the little brick path are planted with zinnias, poppies, cornflowers and fragrant stock.  There are two giant milkweed plants (calotropis gigantea) in front of the telephone pole that I ordered online from EducationalScience.com.  Other milkweeds include Common (asclepias syriaca) , Swamp (asclepias incarnata) and Tropical (asclepias curassavica), so when the monarch butterflies decide to arrive in our area, they should be happy with the smorgasbord. Monarchs will only lay their eggs on milkweed (any variety) and their caterpillars will only eat milkweed.

The hanging baskets on the left are planted with nicotiana, million bells, cosmos, lantana and bacopa.  The hanging pots at the back right have strawberry plants in them.  The front left corner of the shed has bright orange Asian lilies coming up, but no flowers yet.

Hanging basket of Million Bells, Nicotiana, Lantana and Bacopa

Swamp Milkweed 

Asian Lilies (left),  Swamp Milkweed (top right)

Common Milkweed growing from seed

Common Milkweed growing from rhyzome

Rows of Cornflowers, Zinnias, Poppies, Fragrant Stock.  Nicotania and Million Bells in blue watering can, Parsley under spout, Zinnias to right of Parsley

Butterfly Bush in back, two pots of Swamp Milkweed, a clump of Lychnis Coronaria in center, Common Milkweed in two little round pots and square terra cotta pot, and Common Rue in little square pot


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