Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Blooms this week ...

It's a beautiful, sunny day in the garden, so I thought a few photos of perennials that are blooming along the path would be nice.



I ordered three plants of this pinkish purple calla lily (below) through the mail and am happy to see that they have flowered and more flower shoots are growing from their bases.

Calla lily

English Lavender and yellow yarrow

Butterfly weed in full bloom to attract monarchs for egg laying

Astilbe among the ferns

St. John's Wart flowering on both sides of path


I've planted a few varieties of low growing miniature hostas along the path and Curley Fries is my favorite!
Miniature hosta "Curley Fries"

Cutting a path through the raspberry patch has made picking them so much easier!

Red Raspberries


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