Monday, May 3, 2021

Early Bloomers

Our spring weather has been so beautiful this year that we have early bloomers in the garden.  The apple tree, given to me by my dad as a sappling 35 years ago, is full of blossoms. The little grape vine area next to the shed has been trimmed and is budding.


Apple tree in full bloom

This is the second year for the strawberry plants in the trug behind the shed.  

Strawberry plants

The lilac tree in the perennial path smells wonderful as we walk by!


We've found that the secret to a large crop of rhubarb is adding plenty of composted manure in the spring!  This planting has been in the garden for many years.


Forget Me Nots seed down each year, so we always have mounds of blue and pink flowers scattered throughout the garden in early spring.

Forget Me Nots

The red azalea adds bold color to the garden and is surrounded with blue forget me nots and white azaleas behind it.  Red, white and blue!  Our patriotic area!


The rhododendrun is in full bloom at the front entrance.


We installed two oriole feeders on April 28th and received our first visitor May 2nd.

Baltimore Oriole

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