Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Surprise Blooms!

Normally,  November weather in Western New York is cold and snowy.  We all remember "Snowvember" in 2014!  

November 18, 2014
 November 15, 2016

But today, November 15, 2016, I'm looking at the thermometer which reads 59.5 degrees F.  Sunny and warm.  In fact, after I finish this post, I'm going to do some gardening, a little Fall clean-up work that I haven't finished yet.  

I was out earlier in the day and saw something I haven't seen before -- a couple blossoms on our azalea and rhododendrum bushes which typically bloom in the early Spring.  I'm not sure what that might mean for next Spring's blooms, but I'll let you know in May.

Our rhododendrum on November 15, 2016

Our Azalea on November 15, 2016

So I'll enjoy it while I can, since it's only a matter of time before that thermometer plunges and the snow flies! 

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