Monday, August 1, 2016

Visit to the Garden Center

Today's visit to the nursery garden center was a success in my quest to find more perennials for the garden at home.  Actually, my visit was to purchase a Toad Lily, a fall bloomer; but I also ended up with two daylilies called "Passionate Returns,"  another milkweed to attract Monarch butterflies, a hosta named "Curly Fries" and two small common rue plants.  One of the rue plants contained a bonus -- an Eastern Black Swallowtail caterpillar camouflaged among the leaves.  I'll place the plant with caterpillar under a cage in the garden so it will be protected from predators as it continues developing, forming its chrysalis and eventually emerging as a butterfly.


  1. I loved to see what you bought at the garden center. What a surprise to find that caterpillar, can't wait to see the butterfly it becomes!


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