Thursday, September 15, 2016

More Fall Garden Views

Fall gardening is such a pleasure with temperatures gradually getting cooler.  I can dig, divide, weed, plant and mulch pretty much all day long in this weather! And that's what I've been doing for about four days straight. Click on any of the center photos and they will enlarge.

Center bottom shows blue plumbago, deep red tickseed at bottom of rocks, yellow mum above rocks, pink Hot Lips turtlehead middle right.

Yellow mum in clay pot, red mum at bottom of photo, zinnias in blue pot, river rock area in center.

Close up of river rock area with pot of zinnias at left, winter pansies, bi-color iris that have been cut down, red tickseed at bottom of rocks

Another view of blue plumbago, yellow mum and red tickseed and pink creeping phlox ground cover at bottom of photo that bloomed in spring, with a few new fall blooms.

South entrance to garden with zinnias on left and whorled milkweed on right

An expanded view from south entrance of garden showing arbor at north entrance, seating area at far left.

The ferns along the shady part of the path are pretty, but they're crowding out the astilbe and hostas, so they were thinned out. 

One patch of wild iris was removed and replaced with a tall bearded iris from another part of the yard that in the Spring will have large purple blooms that I like better.

I found bright purple winter pansies at the garden center that I added to the river rock area of the perennial garden.  They're supposed to flower all autumn and into the first part of winter and are said to be hardy even under the snow.  Although we won't see them if they're covered by three feet of snow! They look pretty together with the yellow coneflowers.

Purple winter pansies with yellow coneflowers

Our little rabbit friend "pruned" the carmine aster early in the season and I had to surround the plant with chicken wire to protect it from further damage.  It's finally blooming and I think the pruning did it some good, since it looks nice and bushy and has lots of flowers.

 Carmine colored aster

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