Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Meanwhile, Back at the Farm ...

It won't be long before the tractor at the Community Garden farm transforms into plowing mode to turn under the remains of the plants that did their job in supplying the bushels of fresh, organic produce this growing season.

Today, I picked the last handful of green and yellow beans, the rest of the onions, lots of red tomatoes, and a few hot peppers.  There are baby hot peppers that still might have time to mature.   I'm leaving the green tomatoes on the vine a little longer.  I'll have to watch the weather, because if frost is in the forecast, the green tomatoes and peppers will have to be picked beforehand.

The farm that leases parcels to the Community Garden members grows pumpkins to sell at their garden center.  Here's a photo of just a small portion of the hundreds and hundreds of pumpkins in the field.

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