Saturday, October 8, 2016

Tulip Bulbs

This past Spring, after the tulips had bloomed and the foliage died down, I dug up the bulbs and saved them for planting this Fall.  Normally, I leave the bulbs in the ground, but this Spring there were all leaves and not many flowers.  The photo below is from Spring blooming a couple years ago and I'm hoping that dividing the bulbs and replanting them will encourage them to bloom again. We shall see!

Tulips at entrance to perennial path,  Spring 2014

I planted my saved bulbs in the same location at the entrance to the perennial garden on both sides of the arbor.  First, I dug the trenches about 3 times the depth of the bulbs.

Bulbs that were dug up and saved from last Spring

Trench on left and right of path entrance

Next, I sprinkled bone meal into the trenches and mixed it into the soil.

Then I placed the bulbs, pointy end up, into the trenches and covered with soil.

We have a problem with the squirrels digging up bulbs, so I placed chicken wire over the planted areas and will remove the wire after the bulbs have begun to sprout next Spring.  At least that will discourage the squirrels from digging them up during the fall, winter and early spring months. Hopefully, I'll have pretty pink flowers in May. I'll keep you posted.

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