Sunday, October 2, 2016

Pumpkin & Succulent Fall Centerpiece

There was a good deal on pumpkins at our grocery store -- $3.99 for a large one -- so I couldn't resist buying one in order to try making the popular pumpkin/succulent centerpiece that I've seen, but never tried before.

All that is needed is a pumpkin, assortment of succulents, glue gun, tacky glue, moss, and any other decorations to make your centerpiece unique to you.

The nice thing about it is that you don't even have to cut into the pumpkin, so it should stay fresh for a couple months, hopefully.  

Start with your clean pumpkin.  Smear some tacky glue around the top and press on the moss.  Wait about a half hour until it dries a little.

In the meantime, unpot the succulents, remove dirt and roots,  and separate the succulents into pieces.

Start with the largest plants and begin gluing with hot glue from the center outward.  I let the hot glue cool slightly before placing the cutting on it.

Work your way around the pumpkin until the plants look balanced.  When you're happy with the arrangement, add in your decorations.  I like sparkles, so I found a pick of glittery fall leaves and took it apart to use the individual leaves which I tucked under the moss. 

Mist the succulents with water every day to keep the plants fresh.


It was a quick project, finished in about an hour and a half. 

I understand that the succulents begin to grow roots into the pumpkin as it softens.  Once the pumpkin begins to deteriorate, the top of the pumpkin along with the succulents can be cut off and planted in a container with potting soil and then transferred outside when the weather permits, so the succulents will continue to grow.

Here's the cost breakdown:

Pumpkin $3.99
9 succulents @ $3.74 each = $33.66
10 glue sticks $2.00
1/2 bag moss $1.50
Glittery leaf pick $3.78

Total Cost  $44.93  

Email me if you have any questions.  Enjoy! 

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